
Hello and welcome to our blog.
Our names are Scott and Hayden, we made this blog in order to have an easy access for all our A2 Media work. Everything we are doing gets posted online for the world to see!
Thanks for visiting our blog. :)
Have a great day!

Friday, 27 March 2015

Audience feedback.

Audience Feedback.
For our audience feedback we had a group showing of our finished project, we played the music video and then took questions before asking for individual feedback.
Here are some of the questions we were asked:
1. How did you accomplish the fast transition between shot towards the end of the video?                (Ryan Westby)
- Response: Well Ryan, using the software Premier Pro we layered two tracks over each other and then we used the cut tool to separate one track in various places, this then aloud both tracks to run at the same time whilst creating a fast transition between them.
2. How did you choose the locations that you used; the train station for example?  (Robert Rickers)
- Response: Well Rob, as a team we found that we could best demonstrate the emotional weight of the music track we used (I Wont Die For You By Against the Tide) if we used the train station to demonstrate loss and then the quiet areas, such as the bench scene, to demonstrate the bond that our two characters had.
3. Your piece has some static shots throughout, why is this? (Jake Willson-Hebben)
- Response: Well Jake, although the rock genre does tend to focus more on energetic shots with large levels of panning and rotation, we felt that the inclusion of static or still shots was an interesting twist as it both defies convention , which in itself is a convention of the rock genre, but it also allows for the calmer parts of the music to be reflected through the editing.
Here is some of the feedback we received:
This is a viewing and
question session with
Scott, this is then
followed by an interview
from Hayden.

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