
Hello and welcome to our blog.
Our names are Scott and Hayden, we made this blog in order to have an easy access for all our A2 Media work. Everything we are doing gets posted online for the world to see!
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Have a great day!

Friday, 27 March 2015

Evaluation Question 3.

What have you learned from your audience feedback/what would we do differently?

From our extensive audience feedback we learnt several main things. Everyone who we asked to give us feedback on the music video gave us a mainly positive response. We got a few questions from people asking how and why we had used certain editing effects throughout our video. With this in mind it made myself and Hayden reflect on our use of editing. We spent countless hours editing our music video in order to make sure that it looked as professional as it possibly could and we strongly believe that our large amount of effort regarding editing payed off in the end. In particular one editing effect that we are particularly happy about are the fast flashes at 3:31, as this in all honestly turned a very plain shot into something a lot more interesting. Overall our audience feedback regarding editing furthermore corroborated how pleased myself and Hayden were with our editing throughout the video.

We also got a few questions from our audience feedback regarding our use of location. In particular we got a question asking how we chose the locations that we used in our video. The locations that we used in the main were very carefully chosen by myself and Hayden, and they all were used to try and construct meaning. For example the train station at the start of the video was used to try and demonstrate loss which tied in with the lyrics of the song. However from our audience feedback regarding location it became clear that some of our locations were not too carefully thought out. For example the scene on the bench at 2:22. Both myself and Hayden are not too happy with this scene as it was kind of rushed and the location that we used was not the best as it was filmed in school. So overall our audience feedback regarding location made us both want to change certain locations that we used throughout our video as some are not as effective as others.

We also got a few questions from our audience feedback regarding our use of different shots. In particular we got a question regarding our use of static shots throughout the piece. The main reason which we used this type of shot was because it's an interesting twist as it defies the convention of shots within rock music videos. Rock music videos usually focus on mainly energetic shots with large levels of panning and rotation. However by mixing up both energetic and static shots throughout our video we feel that it overall created a more interesting style of filming. However to a certain extent in reflection we both feel that we would in fact change a few of our shots. This is because we are just not particularly happy with all of them as they aren't exactly how we want them to be. However overall our audience feedback regarding our use of shots was mainly positive, however it did make us want to change a few of our shots to something more effective.

So overall in conclusion from our audience feedback we learnt that our music videos feedback from our peers is largely positive. However we have come to realise on reflection that there are a few things that we would both like to change in order to make our video even better than it already is. However overall myself and Hayden are ultimately very happy with how it turned out.

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