
Hello and welcome to our blog.
Our names are Scott and Hayden, we made this blog in order to have an easy access for all our A2 Media work. Everything we are doing gets posted online for the world to see!
Thanks for visiting our blog. :)
Have a great day!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Sexy Girlfriend Joann.

Sexy Girlfriend Joann.
The representation of women in our media piece is one of the most important factors as the song focuses around a one-sided between the narrator and his girlfriend (we are unsure if the girlfriend is really a girlfriend or just a friend, we opted with girlfriend, however the video works either way).
 We decided to represent women through the use of Sexy Girlfriend Joann for various reasons;
- Negative images and stereotypes for women.
- Suits the abstract rock genre.
- Gives an alternate approach to relationships.
The actual representation of women in our piece is through a book album in which we took various images and constructed an identity without any actual physical presence. We felt that the best way to give representation of women was to leave room for audience interpretation, instead of giving a set and obvious idea surrounding women, we thought it would be more interesting to allow the audience to generate their own idea of women.
Women in rock, we feel, tend to be represented in a negative image, whilst we disagree with this, we also felt it was important to address this concept. To achieve this we had the female stand our male character up. This suggests a sense of aggression towards women, something we feel is reflected in the lyrics of the song.
In an attempt to suit the abstract feeling that rock genre tends to follow we decided to remove the female role entirely and replace her with a sense of absence. This is where we came up with the idea for Sexy Girlfriend Joann, named so to represent a sense of superficiality.
We decided to stick with Sexy Girlfriend Joann as we felt that this gave us a different and unseen (for the most part) approach to female representation.

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